Providing funding for projects, programmes or initiatives in the Top of the South, Sport Tasman manages Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa on behalf of Sport NZ in our region.
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is an activation fund that supports tamariki and rangatahi, particularly those that are less active, to access quality play, active recreation, or sport opportunities of their choice in their community or school and kura.
Given funds are limited, our expectation is that any organisation who wishes to apply for funding fully understands the criteria, targets their application towards one and not multiple priority groups, have clearly identified insights to indicate why the programme or project is needed (after including the voice of the prospective participants as part of the insights) and has connected with one of our Community Team for a kōrero to discuss the proposed programme or project before applying.
Aligned with our mission of “Empowering the sector to provide high quality and equitable physical activity opportunities” we are interested in programmes or projects from organisations that provide physical activity opportunities to support target groups that are known to be less active. Our 2024/25 initial focus will be towards:
Applicants need to provide evidence, including from tamariki and rangatahi (participant voice), to clearly demonstrate the participants are genuinely interested and engaged in being part of the proposed programme or project. Applicants should therefore engage with tamariki and rangatahi to determine what activities they want to participate in, as well as understanding their barriers. This evidence of need must be provided as part of the application. Please feel free to contact and talk to one of our Community Team to provide help, guidance and suggestions with this.
We welcome applications from a wide range of organisations. Please note however that funded entities must have legal status. If you want to apply but do not have legal status, we suggest you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity.
The following are examples of who can apply:
This is an activation fund that is intended to address barriers that tamariki and rangatahi face in accessing quality physical activity opportunities. A clear idea of what those barriers are, along with evidence that you have ensured your initiative is wanted and needed by participants, must be included in your application. These costs may include:
We are interested in receiving applications that take innovative approaches to engaging less active tamariki and rangatahi in quality tākaro/play, ngā mahi a te rēhia/active recreation and Hākinakina auraki/sport experiences that meet their needs.
The following are not eligible to apply:
In addition, organisations will not be able to apply if they have a currently funded programme or project underway or completed, for which Sport Tasman has not received and signed off on, an accountability report for that programme or project.
What will not be funded?
The fund does not cover:
Where a project or programme is to be delivered in a school/kura setting during class time and involving external provision, the application needs to show evidence that the school or kura has been involved in the design of the project/programme, that it is based on participant wants and needs and that it addresses the barriers to access for the students within that school or kura. In this case the "Implementation in a school/kura setting" template must be fully completed and attached to your application.
The link to the form is below.
Please note you do not need to complete this form for projects or programmes that occur within a school/kura setting that are either before or after school, during lunchtime and breaks, or for applications that only involve school personnel.
Before beginning an application:
1. Please review the Sport NZ Guidance and Templates accessed by clicking the link below.
2. Contact one of our Community Team below, to discuss your proposed programme or project before applying, so we can help ensure your application is aligned. Who to contact in the first instance will depend on the focus of your programme or project.
Priority | Contact | Email Address |
Tamariki and Rangatahi in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities | Roxanna Holdsworth | |
Girls and young women (5-18 years) | Roxanna Holdsworth | |
Māori tamariki and rangatahi | David Norgate | |
Disabled tamariki and rangatahi | Georgia Ewers | |
Primary and Intermediate school related programmes | Stephanie Elliott | |
Secondary school related programmes | Anita Currie | |
3. In previous years we have operated distinct opening rounds. Currently, there will be no scheduled open or closed rounds. Instead we intend to open the fund for applications from August 2024, to allow responsiveness to community needs. Applications received will be reviewed in 6 weekly intervals. All applications under $10,000 will be assessed by an internal Sport Tasman panel with applications over $10,000 being assessed by an external decision panel that includes community members.
Also note, any decision is likely to take longer, for those applications requesting higher amounts of funds.
Apply now once you have:
1. Reviewed the resources, understood what can and cannot be applied for, are targeting one of our priority groups and have insights to demonstrate the need for your programme or project including evidence of need from tamariki and/or rangatahi.
2. Discussed your programme or project with one of our Community Team to ensure it aligns and meets our criteria. Note that even though discussion with our team is a prerequisite, it does not immediately guarantee application approval.
Decisions are made following Internal or External Decision Panel meetings which will take place following each 6 weekly application interval. Please consider that it may take up to two months to approve the application and, if you are successful, to put an agreement in place. Therefore, we recommend applying at least 8 weeks before funding is required. We will, however, aim to contact applicants about the outcomes within one week of the respective panel decisions.
Approved Tū Manawa Funding Applications for 2024 - 2025 (see below)
Nelson/Tasman Office
Sports House 142 Saxton Road East, Stoke, Nelson 7011 | PO Box 3197, Richmond, Nelson 7050 | Ph: 03 546 7910