Sport Tasman is lead by a dynamic group of people who manage the operations side of the Trust.

Ed Shuttleworth

Chief Executive Officer

Phone:03 546 7910 Ext 301
Mobile: 021 758 239


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Darryl Sim, GM - Operations

Andy Morris -  GM - Strategy, Insights and Business Improvements

David NorgateGM Māori Capability & Māori Partnerships

Darryl Sim

General Manager - Operations

Phone:03 546 3334 Mobile: 027 704 6294



Genna Harding, Finance Manager

Seona Christie,  Administrator Operations

Ryan Edwards. Partnership Manager

Andy Morris

General Manager - Strategy, Insights and Business Improvements

Mobile: 022 386 5402

David Norgate

General Manager - Māori Capability and Māori Partnerships

​​​​​​​Phone: 022 302 4805​​​​​​​




Community Outcomes Team

​​​​​​​Stephanie Elliot - Primary and Kura Lead


Fergus Knight - Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Nick Foxley - Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Kate Hailes - Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Tane Anderson - Healthy Active learning Connector

Roxanna Holdsworth - PARS Manager



Anita Currie - Regional Sports Director

Esther Rush -

Emma Sorensen-Brown - Sports Development  Lead

Saraya Brown - Community Outcomes Advisor Kaikoura

Tara Papworth - Community Outcomes Advisor Buller

Logan Philp - Community Outcomes Advisor Marlborough

Georgia Ewers - Disability Lead

Rohan Haskell

Facility Manager - Motueka Recreation Centre Facility Manager - Richmond Town Hall

Phone: 03 528 8228
Mobile: 027 285 7071

TEAM: Melody Mortiaux- Facility Operations - Richmond Town Hall

​​​​​​​TEAM: Shia Burton, Senior Recreation Advisor 

TEAM: Daniel Hobbs, Senior Advisor - Community Sport

​​​​​​​TEAM: Kyle Wilson,  Advisor Facility

​​​​​​​TEAM: Edee Bolton - Instructor 

TEAM : Eli Harris - Assistant Advisor Recreation

TEAM: Tori Wilson -  Assistant Advisor Recreation 

TEAM: Myah Wilson - Assistant Advisor Recreation

​​​​​​​MRC Cleaners: Janine Mitchell & Rachel Fleming