Richmond Town Hall - 96 years and going strong

Richmond Town Hall really is living up to its designation as a community hub.

Not only is the Sport Tasman-managed facility increasingly popular, it is used by an expanding range of groups and businesses.

A record number of 194,000 people have passed through its doors in the year to the end of October. This is expected to grow to over 200,000 by the end of the year.

It is already fully booked at peak times for next year and 2019 is filling up fast, although long-time manager Mary-Ann McNatty says she will always find room for new hirers if they are flexible with times and days.

That’s pretty good for a building with a colourful history  that opened in 1922 as a memorial to those who lost their lives in World War One and with various additions and modifications has served as a YMCA, Richmond Borough Council Chambers, ladies rest room, billiards venue, town hall, picture theatre, car rental business and dance hall.

Today it is home to a myriad of community organisations, activities and businesses.

They include gymnastic andexercise classes for tots through to the over 50s, pilates, yoga, karate, various forms of dance, dog training, housie and first aid courses. Sport Tasman provide six exercise, social and recreation programmes per week.

The various meeting rooms and spaces are used by groups involved in theatre, art, health and sport and range from an Israeli folk dance group through to the Richmond & Districts Highland Pipe Band which has used the hall since 1969.

The facilities cater for babies through people in their 90s, from the able-bodied through to those with disabilities.

Businesses based there offer everything fromphysiotherapy, osteopathy, sport massage, health, disability, parenting and business advocacy through to computer help.

As McNatty says, ``there is pretty much something for everyone’’.

She says users find the facilities affordable, clean and central, with the ongoing Queen St upgrade having little impact apart from some minor parking inconvenience

``We may not be the flashiest but we are always looking at ways to improve.’’

While the complex still relies on grants, much of the income is ploughed back into the business. Recent purchases have included new carpet and a large projector screen.

McNatty – who has managed the facility for 10 years – says making the optimum use of the building’s unchanged space by being adaptable, flexible and open to new ideas has been key to its increased use. She also acknowledges the strong partnership with the Tasman District Council.

``It’s not being an easy task accommodating everyone but by looking outside the square we’ve managed by keeping one large office as a second meeting room for smaller groups and utilising the backstage area.’’

``This year has been really exciting with full tenancy, more hires and a better door counting system which now includes the office side of the building.”

``I find it awesome that everyone who works, hires or leases here are all working together to make it a community within a community. ‘’

With new signage, McNatty says it now the community hub it was always meant to be.

For more information contact her at or ring 03 544 3955.

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